Friday, January 23, 2009

God Will Not Ask Me

God is not going to ask me how much I made.

He will ask me how much I gave.

God will not ask me about the size of my house.

He will ask me did I invite Him in.

God will not ask me about the elegance of the neighborhood.

He will ask me how I treated my neighbor.

God will not ask me what kind of car I drove.

He will ask me did I give those with no car a ride.

God will not ask me about the beauty of my wife.

He will ask me did I treat her with love.

God will not ask me about the style of my clothes.

He will ask me did I help clothe others.

God will not ask me the size of my bank account.

He will ask me how much is in my heavenly account.

God will not ask me how many children I fathered.

He will ask me if I was a good father to my children.

God will not ask me did I achieve fame.

He will ask me about my reputation.

God will not ask me if I traveled the world.

He will ask me did I improve the world.

God will not ask me about the troubles that I had.

He will ask me if I helped comfort the troubled.

God will not ask me if I did miracles in the name of His Son.

He will ask me if I really knew Him.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Христчин хүмүүсийн талаарх харамсалтай тоо баримтуудаас

10% сүмээ хайгаад олдоггүй

20% сүмдээ хэзээ ч хамрагддаггүй

25% хэзээ ч гуйлт залбирал хийдэггүй

35% библиэ огт уншдаггүй

40% өргөл 10\1 - ээ өгдөггүй

60% авралын зар тараагч илгээлтийн эзэдэд хандив өгдөггүй

70% сүмийн ямар нэг үйл ажиллагаанд огт оролцдогүй

85% сүмдээ хэнийг ч авчирдаггүй

95% амьдралдаа хэзээ ч ялалт гаргаж байгаагүй

Эдгээр тоо баримтуудыг уншаад би хаана явна вэ гэж бодлоо?!?
Хэрэв уншигч та Христчин хүн бол бас энэ талаар эргэцүүлэн бодоод үздээ. Хамтдаа дүгнэлт гаргая ~~~???~~~