My ****
My ****
Another day in life
Which way will I go?
Will I pick suicide?
How do I say no?
The demons are calling me
"Just one more line"
Voices echoing in my head
These thoughts aren't mine
Chop it Snort it The kid? Ignore it
Life sucks
I'm over it
Save me from myself
Can't quit
I tried it
Your love?
Denied it
Can't fake it
I hate it
Please help me
Save me from myself
I'm beggin you
Save me from my ****
Chillin in my own gutter
I've sunk so low
I want to be a good father, but
Here the voices go
Chop it Snort it The kid? Ignore it
Life sucks
I'm over it
Wake up Wasted
Get up Wasted
Go out Wasted
Come home So Wasted
Play shows Wasted
Pimp hoes Wasted
Life blows I'm Wasted
No more living Wasted!
Drug use I kicked it
Abuse I kicked it
I'm through I kicked it
I won't kill myself
Depression I kicked it
Suicide I kicked it
Telling lies I kicked it
I won't kill myself
Father! Thank You
Father! I live for You now!
Oh my God I live For You now
Түүний гэрлэлийг энд дараад үзээрэй
It's time to lift up our banner
Далбаагаа өргөх цаг боллоо
That will make the difference
Өөрчлөлтийг гаргацгаая
That will make the difference
Өөрчлөлтийг гаргацгаая
It's time to tell everyone
Есүс амьд хэмээн хүн бүрт
That Jesus is alive
Зарлан хэлэх мөч
And He has a plan
Цаг нь одоо
And He'll bring salvation to everyone who believes
Түүнд итгэсэн хүн бүрт авралыг Тэр авчирсанд
We believe
Итгэж байна
Everybody sing, yeah
Хүн бүр дуул
Everybody shout, yeah
Хүн бүр чангаар
Praises to His name
Түүний нэрийг магт
Lift Your hands up high
Өндрөөс өндөрт гараа
Everybody sing, yeah
Хүн бүр дуул
This is a revolution, yeah
Энэ бол хувьсгал
We proclaim His Name
Нэрийг нь тунхагла
We won't be the same
Бид өөрчлөгдсөн
We sing, whoah
Дуулцгаая, өө
We declare, whoah
Тунхаглацгаая, өө
You reign, whoah
Та захирагч, өө
You reign
Та захирагч
And friends are friends forever
If the Lord's the Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
'Cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Father's hands we know
That a lifetime's not too long to live as friends.